Under Exposure

Under exposure is a condition in which the image brightness level is too low so that the image looks dark and image detail is lost in dark areas. Under exposure could be caused by several things including:
1. Poor lighting conditions.
2. Sutter speed setting is too fast.
3. Aperture setting is too small.
4. ISO is too low.

How do I prevent under exposure? Here are some ways you can do:
1. Always use the camera in full automatic mode.
2. If you prefer the manual mode, then make sure you always pay attention to indicators of exposure on the camera. If the position indicator does not do a correction in the middle of the exposure by adjusting the aperture and sutter speed.
3. Use adequate lighting by using light or flash.

If the image was already in a state under exposure then it should be done to improve the image that is using picture editing software such as Photoshop. I will explain how to fix image under exposure using Photoshop. This is not the only way. This is just a simple way. Perhaps there are many other better ways. Follow these steps:
1. Open your under exposure image in Photoshop

2. Check the hystogram. On the main menu click Image >> Adjustments >> Levels

3. The graph above shows the condition of your image hystogram. Notice the two red circles. Try to move the two red circles to the left a little. You will find the changes. What do you think? Did you get a better picture now?

4. Now press OK and save your picture.

There are a few tips when shooting. If you use a SLR camera, you should not choose the jpeg file to store the images in the camera. RAW file format gives better results than the jpeg. RAW image format is not compressed so that when you experience the process of editing will produce a better image. But RAW has a risk that the file size is very large and thus require the storage media with larger capacity. Further details about the RAW will be discussed in another article.

So do not worry about under exposure because with good image editing it's not a problem anymore.

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